讲座题目:Health Management and Human Intelligence– Deep Learning and Its Applications
主讲人:Teresa Wu. ,澳门永利娱场官方网特聘教授
时间: 2019年6月27日(周四)
地点:文科楼学院1400 09:00-10:00
The effective healthcare managementof medical technology influences the quality of care delivered and theprofitability of healthcare facilities. In this area Imaging biomarkers arebeing increasingly applied for early diagnosis and staging of disease in humans.Developing imaging biomarkers requires advances in both image acquisition andanalysis. In recent years, deep learning has gained great success in performinga wide range of computer vison tasks, from object detection, to segmentationand classification. In this research, we develop a new multi-task deep learningarchitecture for medical imaging analysis. In our proposed model, priorknowledge guided features are transferred from the segmentation task into theclassification. To the best of our knowledge, this architecture is the firstfully automatic system to tackle detection, segmentation and classification oftumors in medical imaging simultaneously which can be trained end-to-end.
Dr.Teresa Wu, Professor of Industrial Engineering, School of Computing,Informatics Decision System Engineering, Arizona State University, Professor ofRadiology Informatics, College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic. She has many years ofengineering experience in industrial and academic settings. She is the foundingco-director for ASU-Mayo Center for Innovative Imaging. She has extensiveexperience in data-driven decision modeling for different applicationsincluding medicine, energy and DoD acquisition systems.